Organize your business or association seminar in a castle in Normandy

A suitable setting for a business seminar, association internship, a filming location or a photo shoot...

La Gauchetière offers a calm and conducive setting for the organization of corporate and association events.

The castle exudes different atmospheres and offers modularity which allows the organization of very varied seminars and events.

A place easily accessible to major centers of activity

Venues and services adaptable to your events

You benefit from all the infrastructures to organize your seminars, courses, training for groups on a human scale. The location is particularly suitable for your work sessions in sub-groups and provides the ideal conditions to encourage team building. We have the flexibility to adapt locations indoors and outdoors and rearrange them to allow you to film films or take photos.

Of course, all catering and gourmet breaks can be managed by us.

Seminar room with tables arranged in a U shape

Seminar room with individual tables or small work rooms

small work lounges

The equipment at your disposal

For your business seminars, your training courses, very good wifi is available throughout the castle and we can organize the work room lounges according to your expectations:

  • round and/or rectangular tables,
  • video projector,
  • large mobile TV screen,
  • paper board…

Our sleeping capacity

We can comfortably accommodate 12 people or at least 30 people if your colleagues and association members agree to share their room. We can in fact with our gîte separate from the castle increase our sleeping capacity as well as with our partner gîte less than a km from La Gauchetière (transfer assured).

Des services sur mesure pour vous accompagner sur le contenu de vos séminaires

In order to make your seminar a success, we are able to support you in the substance and form of your events thanks to our own professional experience within large companies, but also a network of experts, consultants and service providers selected by us, to discover in our section services for professionals.

An ideal place for your events and association stays

For musical associations, the castle benefits from acoustics and a layout of lounges which ideally allow the organization of your music courses (we can, among other things, provide you with pianos through our partner) .

For other associations, we can configure the castle according to your needs and help you organize your thematic stays: hiking, nature, well-being, book club, history, etc.

For more information: Contact us and refer in our section : Services for professionals

Price of a day of study & meals per person from